How to use PDFs to create and publish a new digital publication in you content hub

  1. Click the green plus icon at the bottom of the content hub page.
  2. Select “Edition Publication”, check “I want to upload a PDF” and click Create.
  3. Drag and drop the PDF file you want to use.
  4. Provide the “Issue name”.
  5. Select the Project/Title, where you want your publication to be created.
  6. Click “Next” to proceed and wait for the system to upload and process the PDF files, which is indicated by the progress bars.
  7. When processing completes, the system will take you to the Pages tab of the Workflow window, where you can continue working on your pages.
  8. Select the Landing pages tab and define landing pages for the most important features of your publication.
  9. Select the Appearance tab and apply the desired visual preferences.
  10. Select the Personalisation tab and add your logo and social media links.
  11. Select the Main tab and provide the description and cover image for your digital publication.
  12. Update the Custom URL segment if required.
  13. Click Live if you want to publish your publication right away and make it appear in the content hub, or set a future Live date when you want the system to publish the article automatically.
  14. Click Save & Close to return to the content hub.

Now select the newly created article and turn your attention to the Properties panel on the right-hand side. In case you’ve not published the publication jet, you can do that here, simply by selecting the Live option and clicking Save at the bottom of the panel. At this point the publication will appear in your content hub, which you will be able to see if you click the Preview button.

The items in the content hub, or cards as we call them, come in two sizes: Normal and Large. Normal is selected by default, but if you want a particular article to stand out, that’s when you select the Large option. This change will reflect just the front-end, which your readers see, so you will need to click Preview to see how it works.   

The Properties panel also enables you to provide or update the publication’s cover image, name and description. You can also edit these properties if you click the edit (pencil) button on the publication card and select the Main tab. In addition to the cover image, name, and description, there’s also the Author field that enables you to provide the author of the Publication.

What’s also important are the Badges and Tags because they enable you to organise your content and by doing you also enable your readers to find content that’s relevant to them, by using the badges and tags in the main menu as filters. Now if you’ve already created your tags and badges during the initial setup, they will appear in the properties panes, where you can simply assign them to your article. However, you can click Edit, which will open the Properties tab of the hub’s settings window, so you can create new or edit existing entries.

When you want to make any kind of changes to your publication, you can do that by clicking the edit button (pencil icon) from the article’s card. This will open the Workflow window, where you can select the appropriate tab and make the desired changes. When you’re finished editing, click Save & Close.

If you’ve edited a publication that’s already been put Live (published), these changes will not be published automatically. Instead, that publication’s card will display a notification icon, signalling that it contains unsaved changes. At the same time, the Properties panel will display a “Publish your changes” button, which you need to click to confirm and publish the changes.    


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