Let’s make the newsstand more attractive with sharing Coupons and Vouchers

There are two options for promoting magazines, subscriptions or bundles. The first option is the Voucher, and the other option is the Coupon. Use vouchers when you want to give someone something for free. Use coupons when you want to provide a discount.


Create a Voucher in the Promotion tab

When you want to give someone something for free vouchers are a way to go. The customer needs to enter the voucher code to get the item(s) you defined in the voucher administration. There are two voucher entry points for the end customer: one is in the user registration form, and the other is in my account area.

In administration, when editing or adding a voucher, there are two tabs and one pop-up window:

  1. Voucher Properties
    Define the Voucher nameDescription, make sure that the Voucher is enabled.
    Uses per Voucher - how many times customers can apply the voucher code.
    Uses per customer - how many times each customer can apply the voucher code. Default is 1. More than 1 is only useful when you want to give a customer a subscription for multiple years.
    Valid from - to is a period in which customers can apply the voucher code.

  2. Voucher Codes 
    You can add one or multiple voucher codes and see the entire list by clicking the Show voucher codes list.

  3. Associated Items
    Define which items the customer is getting for free if he enters the correct voucher code.


Usage examples for the Vouchers

Facebook promotion:
First 5 users who enter the code: “EXCLUSIVE” gets the latest issue for free! 
In the administration, you need to set the Uses per Voucher to 5, Uses per Customer to 1.

You need to define one voucher code: “EXCLUSIVE” and associate the latest single issue you’ve published.

Print magazine subscribers campaign:
You need to give a 100 subscribers (to a hard copy of your magazine) free access to a digital publication for free. 
In the administration, you need to set the Uses per Voucher to 100, Uses per Customer to 1.

You need to generate a hundred voucher codes and associate a subscription or membership. You can print each code and pack it with the printed magazine or send to the customer via email.


Create a Coupon code in the Promotion tab

Coupons are codes which end customers can apply and get some kind of a discount. Coupon code is a short combination of characters which the end-user can apply during the CHECKOUT process to get the discount. You can access the Coupon codes within the Promotion tab.coupon.jpg


  1. Coupon Properties
    Define the Coupon nameDescription, make sure that the Coupon is enabled.
    Uses per Coupon - how many times customers can apply the coupon code.
    Uses per customer - how many times each customer can apply the coupon code. Default is 1. Use more than 1 if you allow the customer to apply the coupon code multiple times.
    Valid from - to is a period in which customers can apply the coupon code.
    Coupon discount value - The percentage you want to discount your items.

  2. Coupon Codes 
    You can add one or multiple voucher codes and see the entire list by clicking the Show voucher codes list.

  3. Associated Items
    Use this option if you want to promote specific items. The items are single publication, subscription/membership, bundle. If you want to give your customers the discount for all items, then leave this option alone.



Newsstand guides

  1. How to create and manage a Newsstand
  2. How to sell your publication in the Newsstand
  3. Keeping an eye on Users and Orders in your Newsstand
  4. Let’s make the newsstand more attractive with sharing Coupons and Vouchers

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