How to create an article

  1. Starting on your Dashboard, click Create new editions and select New Article.

  2. Provide the article name and select the project in which the article will be created.

  3. Click Next and give the system a few second to create an empty article.
  4. When that process - which is indicated by the progress bar,- completes, continue by providing the article description and cover image.

  5. Now select the Edit tab and start working on the article’s content:
  6. Select one of the available elements from the left and drag-and-drop it in the center work area,
  7. Provide, edit, and style the content to your liking,
  8. Click Preview to check your work,
  9. Repeat steps 6, 7,and 8 until the article is completed.
  10. Note that you can add, remove, rearrange, and edit the article’s elements at any time.

  11. Select the color you would like to use as the browser and article background.
  12. But, Instead of a background color, we suggest you use a background image, which will make your article much more appealing.
  13. Select a Template - which determines the style of individual elements,- and one of the color Themes.

  14. Again, use Preview to check how the changes you’ve applied affect your article’s appearance.
  15. When you’re happy with your article, move on to the Personalize tab:
  16. Provide your logo and a few words about yourself.
  17. Provide links to your social channels.
  18. Select which sharing options you want to enable.

  19. Now you can publish your article so return to the Main tab:
  20. Update the custom URL segment if required.
  21. Click Live if you want to publish your article right away, or set a future Live date for the system to publish the article automatically.

Have a look at this and a few other articles on Insight and innovation in digital publishing.


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